Saturday, 6p.m. EST weekly - INSPIRATION CAFE. Bring challenges and dreams!

IF YOU BELIEVE THAT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARE OF ANY WORTH TO YOU, JOIN US EVERY SATURDAY AT 6 P.M. EST.  It's free! Invite friends, colleagues and family you love.

  • your dreams and aspirations
    your goals
    your career
    developing discernment
    your peace and calm
    dealing with disappointments
    seizing opportunities
    handling overload
    managing relationships
    advancing in your career
    finding the ideal job to match your calling and abilities
    making powerful choices and decisions

We will discuss and listen to your concerns, achievements and desires. We will identify your goals and your direction. You will be empowered to attract and maintain solutions. Blessings will be part of your everyday life.

CLICK ON 'CONTACT' button and register to get the phone no. and code before we close the door each week. MAKE THIS YOUR BEST SELF-SERVING ACTION THIS YEAR! 


Quick Sign-In

Take that step without hesitation. Time is not waiting on you. Find your unique self today.

*We never share your email with anyone else.